Welcome to my website!

Why We Are Here

Every day thousands of children and their families are torn apart without due process of law by the Division of Family Services, Child Protective Services, and the Juvenile Justice System.

It's America's "Dirty Little Secret". 

The truth is that many of these families have done nothing more serious than piss off the wrong neighbor, friend, or family member.

Or they merely exercised the rights and protections afforded them by the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and State Constitutions.

Many of them are victims of the Mandatory Reporter laws.  This happens when doctors, teachers, clergy, and pretty much anyone who holds a professional license, working in the public sector, are more afraid of losing those licenses, or being considered an accessory, by not reporting innocent parents even if there is the smallest possibility that there is a problem.  Mandatory Reporter laws do NOT allow these professionals to use their discretion.  So, to save their . . .uh, license . . . a call is placed to the Child Abuse Hotline.

Yes, some children are truely being abused.  And we've heard the stories about the above agencies not protecting children with horrific results.

We are here to inform you of what happens when the calls are malicious or unnecessary . . .and the nightmares that result for the innocent.


Explore for yourself the information on our site.  Make up you own mind, but don't dismiss what you'll learn lightly.  The next story posted here could be yours.


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